I’m sure like me you’ve had your fair share of heels, and depending on the type, your heels or the back of your feet will testify to it. Walking barefoot on dry floors, and sitting for most of the working day close to radiators or heating systems causes the heels to crack, split, and become sore. But don’t worry! Incorporating some simple measures and the tips reviewed above, you can look forward to maintaining beautiful heels right throughout winter. Here are eight useful pieces of advice that are worth bearing in mind when looking after your caring for your heels in the winter.
1. Moisturize Daily
As simple as this tip may seem, this is probably the best piece of advice when it comes to heels. The last process is to apply a rich cream or balm with petroleum as the base and add some urea, glycerin, or shea butter. Suggested use – this cream should be rubbed on your skin on a daily basis at night after you have showered your skin since the pores are still open.
2. Exfoliate Regularly
Removes a layer of dead skin cells from the skin, leaving a smooth surface that makes it easier for moisturizers to enter the skin. To prevent oversensitizing your skin, remove the hardened skin once or twice a day with a pumice stone or foot file. For more rigorous scrubbing, you might try a foot scrub using simple materials such as sugar or salt.
3. Wear Socks
Socks are literally a man’s best friend in the midst of winter because feet are the parts of our body which are most likely to freeze. They do not only warm the feet up but also protect them from losing moisture. Select those made of natural materials like cotton or wool to ensure adequate air circulation and prevent the development of a skin rash resembling measles on your legs as a result of restricted airflow.
4. Remain Hydrated
However, it is genuinely important to take a lot of water because; it is good for your body and skin. Basically, all the hidden pores of the skin are closely connected to the cell radiation in the human body, and when the cell radiation is healthy due to a better intake of water, then the skin becomes strong enough and will not crack. As always, drink as much water as you can; aim for eight glasses a day, and if possible, use a humidifier at home during those cold winter months.
5. Avoid Hot Showers and Baths
However, while taking a hot shower or a bath is something many people like doing during the winter, this activity removes natural oils on the skin and hence results to dry skin. Instead of taking a bath, choose to soak in lukewarm water and attempt to spend as little time as possible in it. This is crucial since your feet are soft and moist after a bath, which makes them more likely to develop cracks. Gently dry your feet after washing them and then moisturize your skin.
6. Protect Your Feet Outdoors
too much time in freezing temperatures can really take its toll on your toes as well as your entire body. As for footwear, make sure to put on warm insulated boots which will provide you with the necessary support and protection when going outside. Do not wear open-back shoes or sandals in which your heels will be exposed to the environment.
7. Use Foot Soaks
This is a simple process that is used to improve the texture of the skin on the feet, while also making the feet to feel sore. In the same way that we use hot water bottles for other parts of the body, foot baths can also be done using warm water with added Epsom salts or even a few drops of oils such as lavender, or tree tea oil. They should swim for approximately 10-15 minutes, subsequently, they can gently scrub their heels and then apply some lotion.
8. Monitor Your Nutrition
This is because there is an interconnection between diet and the health of the skin, including your heels. This includes increasing zinc, vitamins A, C, and E, and omega-3 fatty acid diets. These nutrients help to promote the elasticity of the skin as well as play a role in skin renewal.
1. In the winter, how often should I moisturize my heels?
At the very least, once a day, you should moisturize your heels, ideally while your skin is still damp from a shower or bath.
2. Can I apply my normal body lotion to my heels?
Although ordinary body lotion works well, it’s better to use an oil-based moisturizer or heel balm made especially for feet.
3. What are some natural cures for cracked heels?
There is also much that you can do for cracked heels naturally and this involves the application of aloe vera gel, honey, or coconut oil. Apply these mixtures on your heels before retiring to bed, and make sure that you wear socks all throughout the night.
4. Is daily usage of a foot file acceptable?
A foot file should ideally be used once or twice a week. Your skin might become damaged and more prone to dryness and cracking if you overexfoliate.
5. If my heels are really cracked, should I visit a doctor?
It’s crucial to see a doctor for appropriate treatment if your heels are extremely cracked, painful, or exhibiting symptoms of infection.
How to Caring for Your Heels in the Winter. If only a little time and caring and the right supplies are devoted to keeping the heels in the state, this discomfort can be avoided. They should also avoid neglecting their skin and failing to wear appropriate footwear for their feet, and they should ensure that they hydrate themselves. This is definitely one of those times when your feet will approve of the extra attention they are getting.